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cloning in fruity loops

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Topic cloning in fruity loops
hi guys am knew to forum stuff and need sum advice with fruity loops. My question is can i clone a riff and leave it on the same channel. in music 2000/3000 wen you clone a riff it stays on that channel. basically what i want to do is arrange a beat and on the eighth beat i want to clone it and say remove/add a hi hat or kick drumm to add an affect to the break but because i have become dependant on this tech in music 2000/3000 im stuck in fruity loops as i use this tech alot and if i clone a beat 8 times it uses 8 channels in the playlist so you can imagine how many channels i start using. for instance i like cloning base lines and apllying diff affects as well as beat so just for my basic beat and bass i can use up to 16 diff channels in the playlist as wen i clone the riff does not allow me to arrange the cloned one on the same channel as the original. this has bin driving me mad coz fl seems like such a wonderfull programme but when it comes to arranging all them riffs on different channels it becomes to much to keep tidy if you know what i mean.
pleas help me anybody.