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Epiphone Les Paul Classic [1995-2005]
Epiphone Les Paul Classic [1995-2005]

LP-Shaped Guitar from Epiphone belonging to the Les Paul series

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MGR/a.moore MGR/a.moore

« Gibson Les Paul Classic »

Published on 07/03/02 at 15:00
UK dealer sale item (old stock) £1049 GBP

Excellent player, excellent sound and it looks cool too.

The supplied strings (thats all)

This is my 4th Gibson (I have also owned Fenders, Squires, Lowdons etc etc) and my 2nd Les Paul. I kind of know now what to look for when buying a Gibson. This beauty was still in original Gibson Packing case in the dealers stock room and had been made in Nashville in 2000 (serial no 008636). I purchased it in April 2002. The dealer opened the case and when I inspected it I could not beleive what I found. The binding was perfect (no raised edges), no laquer build up around the neck, perfectly fitted inlays, perfect frets on a lovely rosewood board (not dried out and aneamic). The accoustic tone was good and amplified only got better. I payed up and took it home. replaced the strings with 10 guage Slinkys set the pick-up height and intonation and that is all I have ever done to it. My last new Gibson a 93 Standard needed a further £70 worth of work to make it playable and even then the inlays binding and laquer build up were not perfect. The 60's Slim Taper Neck really adds to the playability as well. I do not know if Gibson quality control has improved this much across the range during the 7 years that seperates these 2 guitars or if I have just been lucky, but I am one very satisfied customer. I love this guitar it is the best player I have ever owned in some 30 odd years of playing.

A lot of people think Gibson stopped making decent Les Pauls in 1960. This guitar is testamount to the fact that Gibson can still make great guitars when they put their minds to it.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com