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Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012]
Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012]
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« Epiphone Les Paul Custom »

Published on 04/26/02 at 15:00
I had been playing for about six months and had been looking for a new gituar for two (my first guitar was a big hard-to-play classical acoustic). I bought it of of E-bay for $393 +S&H. ive been to many guitar stores and have talked to many players about my purchase and they all tell me that this was an awesome deal even for a used one. look for a new one at around $600 minimum without the case. This model has 3 pickups.

It playes and feels almost exactly like a "real" Gibson Les Paul and it costs 1/6 of the Gibson price or less.
The heavy weight of the guitar translates into excellent sustain and the pickups are wonderfully rich and full sounding. this gives "that Gibson sound" that has made the Les Paul line so famous. I love the way the guitar can give deep full clean tones and smooth growling distortion. The neck is well designed and makes for fast, easy play and the bridge makes for some easy palm muteing. and last but not least I'd like to point out that this os one of the worlds most beautifull guitars, black finish with gold hardware and cream trim. need I say more?

There is not much to dislike about this unit. However, I am puzzled by the fact that a three pickup guitar would have only a three way pickup selector switch. Most three pickup guitars that I've seen or played have 5 or 7 way switches allowing the player to use most or all possable combinations. apparently the setup is this: UP-Neck only, MIDDLE-Middle and Bridge, DOWN-Bridge only.
Also the weight of the guitar becomes an issue after playing for an hour or two. If you play standing up your shoulder will get tired for the first few weeks.

This gituar is constructed very well. Usually the body is 1-3 peices of wood
(yea but just try to find the seams, they are nearly invisable even in Epi Pauls with clear finishes)
The neck is another obviously. The fretboard is maple, and fretwork is very nice.
That said, most pards on the guitar are mearly adequit the list includes: tuners(low ratio), the nut(light plastic), and the output jack(gets loose sometimes).
the biggest problem is the pickup selector switch which is obviously cheap and becomes loose easily as well as being loose internally. Expect to replace this eventually.

Looking for a guitar? Check these out first. You wont regret it.
98% of the sound quality of a Gibson at 20% of the price. Do the math.

When you get it wrap the headstock in a cloth and pretend it's a Gibson cause you probably wont be able to tell the difference.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com