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Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012]
Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012]
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« Epiphone Les Paul Custom »

Published on 02/23/03 at 15:00
I found it at a local guitar center, I was attracted to it because of its sophisticated white color, it looked very classic. I bought it year ago exactly.(january 2002) I paid $600 for it new. I wanted a les paul custom, because I love them, but didnt have over $1000 to spend on a guitar..and a favorite guitarist of mine, Lars fredriksen of rancid swears by these guitars//

I love this guitar for all the right reasons..feel, tone and style..it looks grear..plays great, and sounds great..run this guitar through a jcm 900 and you are in tone heaven..great crunch...also sounds good in neck position for jazz or mellow glassy blues...it has opened me to playing alot of things I may not have if it didnt sound so damn good..it makes you play better.

the only thing I dont like is that the headstock doesnt look much like the gibson version, and I love the gibson headstocks

the construction and quality of this guitar is first rate...it is so well made I dont know why they arent as expensive as a "real" gibson would be..its constructed much better than say an sg special that actually sports the gibson name...i think its just the name you fork out for.

if you want a guitar that delivers much more than you would expect for its sticker price...looks sounds and is all around great...if you love les pauls..i seriously encourage you to check out these greatly kept secret tone monsters....

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com