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Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012]
Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012]
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MGR/Chris Grassetti MGR/Chris Grassetti

« Epiphone Les Paul Custom »

Published on 11/09/03 at 15:00
I play in a classic rock band and wanted to get that "phat" zepplinesque sound that I love. At five hundread dollars I think the guitar is well worth it.

The blck laquer paint is awesome. But the tone is what I really love. The sustain on this guitar is fantastic due to the solid neck and the playability is effortless. I also like the different settings which are great for blues and soft rock.

The only bone I have with this guitar is it's weight due to the solid body construction but the sound more then makes up for it.

The quality of the Epiphone Les Paul is very good. In fact, having picked up a Gibson which retailed for twice as much, I can't see buying the Gibson(unless your loaded!)

I recommend any lead guitarist who does not want to go broke but desires to sound like a professional to purchase any one of the Epiphone series Les Pauls. I love mine!!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com