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Gibson Gary Moore BFG
Gibson Gary Moore BFG

LP-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the Gary Moore series

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KirKill KirKill
Published on 11/01/11 at 13:56
For the specs I have nothing to add all is said
apart is that it is not crude oil varnish, the wood must be treated right is protected
The kill switch just moves a little bit of tightening and it's good
No pearl inlay is a shame but hey there's no loss of life either, it remains in the minds of apple GROSS
Setting level I think a small tour with a specialist will give a different face


The touch of the handle is very nice as it is not varnished the thickness of the handle is not a true 50 if I have to compare to my Gibson Trad, I would say it is slightly thinner but it ' is surely ought to varnish with less, not against it in an Ibanez Wizard neck for the shredder Steve Vai, but when you see Joe Perry, Slash, Buckethead, Ashba, Zakk Wylde, Kirk Hammett ... it is possible to type solos on Les Paul, so it's not mission impossible
The location of the pickup selector may sound strange but you get done quickly
The kill switch I think it's more a gimmick than anything else, not bad, but not necessary
The guitar is lightweight with chambered body
The balance is questionable


The P90 Alnico 5 it gives a clean sound with enough particularity is indescribably hot, slimy and hairy (shit it reminds me something, dear, if you read me ...) For my part I love that there is a clean specificity found nowhere
The Burstbuker 3 Alnico II, the most powerful bursbuker then it is hard, it contrasts sharply with the P90's rock it back into the bacon to Mr.
The split in the middle gives a dimension to the clean / crunch pretty cool
The coupling of P90 and BB3 has been included on the Dark Fire Les Paul Standard 2010 Limited and surely other, then, we talk about shovel € 2,000 tip anyway
I used it mainly on a Fender Blues Deluxe


I had it for almost 2 years
In comparison I had a Gibson Les Paul Studio so I will not talk about my ex Ibanez, Vigier, Musicman that has nothing to do, so compared to my Les Paul Studio BFG I prefer this
The price / quality ratio is by appointment I had for € 900 in-store cons above is not terrible I saw at € 1190 so there is no ...
If it again I would rather save my € 900 and took a Gibson Trad OK it's not the same price, right on the other hand I had the guitar back after 3 years of inactivity and I want to make me happy on this one and I admit that I was not disappointed it was a recovery in style
Since it was sold and I have good memories:)