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Rewired microphone...from jack to mini-jack

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Topic Rewired microphone...from jack to mini-jack
Alright lads..so here is the dealio. :o

I recently asked about digitizing a cassette tape to PC..which i could do..but the volume level was unbaringly low.

So i rewired a standard microphone with a jack to mic lead and rewired the jack end to a mini jack so i was able to record straight to my PC.

The mic works without a doubt..i checked it out with my old four track cassette recorder and my tape deck recorder, but when i plug it into my PC...it doesn't pick it up at all..i know it is something very basic which is delaying my progress, so AXEMAN you are the one with the know how..would you help a brother out man? you do anyway lol but this is pure agony...i hate when stuff doesn't go to plan.

So it comes down to..i am trying to create a PC microphone which i think i cant do due to PC microphones having some kind of software or hardware that regular microphones dont have.

Cheers in advance
for 'standard mic" do you mean a dynamic mic?
if so, maybe you rewired it wrong. are you using mono or stereo jacks? how did you rewire it?
Thanks for reply..

Yes it is a dynamic Microphone...the cord leading to the microphone is mono and the cord i wired it to is stereo. But it sounds like stereo to me when i use it on my four track and tape deck...the microphone works since i have rewired it, but not on my PC.

The microphone wire has one white plastic wrapped wire (with a bronzey copper wire inside) & another wire (bronzey copper looking)and the mini-jack i wired the microphone to has a red plastic wrapped wire (with a bronzey copper wire inside) and white plastic wrapped wire (with a bronzey copper wire inside) with each also having another wire (bronzey copper looking).

I combined the red,white wires to the white wire of the microphone and the additional pair of wires that are with the red and white i combined with the additional wire with the microphone cord. It is straight forward when doing it lol...but the point is that it works..but not on my PC ..and i was wondering why this is so.Due to that is why I rewired it in the first place.
ok, first understand that the mic input of a medium (sound blaster) sound card is very different from a mic input of a recorder.
The correct wiring scheme depends on the type of microphone, and in your case it has 2 wires: one signal and his shield.
A sound card usually uses the mini-jack ring for its dc bias voltage to power a standard soundblaster mic, so since you combined the signal with the power supply ("I combined the red,white wires...") obviously the mic will not pick up anything.

Here is a picture with the correct wiring

in your case, you don't have to bother with the wire n. 3, since your mic has only two wires.
Cheers for reply again..so in other words, your saying that it wont work on my pc at all due to it having only two wires..and that i combined the power supply with the signal?

I see your diagram of the correct wiring...does that involve a different mic altogether?
It won't work because you wired it wrong.
check the diagram:

in your case you have 2 wires, n.1 (the shield) and n.2 (the signal).
wire n.3 is an inverse signal to create a balanced connection, that is none of your concern since you don't have it.

Just rewire the signal to the tip and the shield to the sleeve of the mini-jack and it wll work on your pc.