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recording vocals with the mxl 990

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Topic recording vocals with the mxl 990
hey everyone, would this mic be a good choice (good quality sound) for recording vocals??
um i bought this mic and it drove me crazy cuz there was a bunch of hissing it was rediculous i tried everythang under the sun then i placed it in a closet with loads of studio foam and the aability to close the door and it sounded flawless given teh mixer and soundcard setting apply i got a pretty good signal i think its worth it for vocals altho i had yet again another tussle with the equing on the mixer i only use hi lots of hi for higher vocals midhi for depper vocals

if you want to hear what i sound liek with my mic visit my soundclicksite
i did some remakes of my fav songs


tell me what you think
I use this mic with a Behringer UB802 mixer into a SB PCI512 card and am really happy with it. Like lewzair said, you do have to have a real quite place to record because this mic is sensitive! It will pick up people talking in the living room plain as day, and I am down the hall and around a corner (about 20') with the door closed and set up in a dead corner (no iso booth here!).

I think it is a great deal for a condenser mic. Got this, a boom stand, pop filter, cable, and mixer from Musicians Friend for $160, including S&H.....can't beat that with a stick, and it sounds WAY better than my Radio Shack mixer and mic.

The only problem I see with it is the top end is a little "grainy" or "fuzzy". Not real bad, but you can hear it if you listen real close. I say grab it!:cool:
It has occurred to me that there are fewer years ahead than there are behind....
You need to try it out and see. One man's fuzzy is another man's warm or creamy or bright..... or something. If you don't like it, send it back.

For what it's worth, I use my V69 on vocals all the time. I've got mics that cost 3 times as much.
