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Thread i have no idea what works best

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Topic i have no idea what works best
hi, im trying to record vocals for a good, quality cd on my computer. i want to start with a mic. its for a hip hop type of sound. my price range can go to around 500 dollars and i have a new sb audigy sound card. ive looked around, but i still have no idea what im looking at and numbers are not as good as personal experience. any help would be greatly appreciated.
well you CAN plug a mic into that card, through a 3.5mm jack adaptor......but,i dont think the quality wouldbe that great, you need to be able to plug a balanced XLR mic into it to get the best sound, and to bypass recording possible computer noise/feedback...

you need something like>>> http://www.edirol.com/products/info/ua5.html

that will get the sound from a mic into your computer with the best possible quality (well...not BEST there is always better) , through either a USB cable or a spdif digital out of the preamp/analog-digital convertor and into your computer......

then comes the MIC....mayyybe>> http://www.studioprojectsusa.com/

in my opinion studio projects give a great bang for the buck, check them out,