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Thread diaphram mics

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1 diaphram mics
when talking about recording mics whats the difference between a diaphram mic and the rest?
Well I assume you refer to condenser microphones. There are actually two main types of microphones: Dynamic and condensers. Their design is different and while dynamic microphones are really good to endure stage conditions, they often lack the precision of condenser microphones.
Most mics have diaphrams. Ribbon (velocity) mics don't and I think maybe carbon mics have a very stiff metal diaphram.

But if someone is talking about large or small diaphrams thay are talking condensers. Large diaphram is around 30 mm and larger. Small diaphrams are usually 20 mm and smaller.

Dynamic mics have a diaphram with a coil attached. The coil moves thru the field of a magnet and outputs an electrical analog of the audio. Since it generates the signal, it uses power from the sound and the diaphram has some mass which tends to limit its high frequency ability.

Condenser mics have a diaphram usually of mylar or other stretched material plated with gold or other metal. It is mounted close to a charged plate. As the diaphram vibrates the charge on it varies. This very weak signal is amplified by the electronics in the mic. These mics use very little energy from the sound wave and have a smaller moving mass giving very good high frequency response.