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Kaysound MK-4902 help

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Topic Kaysound MK-4902 help
I am soo new to this home recording thing and have lots of questions.

I have recently acquired an old Kaysound MK-4902 controller ( I will buy better equip when I figure this whole home recording thing out). My problem is that my manual is very vague and have no clue how to set this up with cubase; well, no, I mean I got it hooked up thru usb and can record and hear sounds thru various VST instruments but I don't know what to do on the keyboard itself. For example, how do I set up channels and programs?

Is there a general tutorial out there on how to set up channels or to teach you how to use program the controller?

Make any sense?

Appreciate any help!!
YO, I just got the same board. Do you have the software??
Hi i just bought a guitar with a MK-4902 keyboard that came with it . But no software. My unit has a 5pin midi port on the keyboard & a 15pin comp connection. (what a dickhead) I didnt realise that i didnt have a soundcard/midi 'in' port on my computer any more.
Yeah so im after software at this stage . Di dyoui have any luck. I had a look on eBay. & asked someone who is selling one of these keyboards, if they would sell me a copy of the software. No news yet.