TopicPosted on 07/12/2006 at 17:06:23Kaysound MK-4902 help
I am soo new to this home recording thing and have lots of questions.
I have recently acquired an old Kaysound MK-4902 controller ( I will buy better equip when I figure this whole home recording thing out). My problem is that my manual is very vague and have no clue how to set this up with cubase; well, no, I mean I got it hooked up thru usb and can record and hear sounds thru various VST instruments but I don't know what to do on the keyboard itself. For example, how do I set up channels and programs?
Is there a general tutorial out there on how to set up channels or to teach you how to use program the controller?
Make any sense?
Appreciate any help!!
New AFfiliate
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 08/07/2006 at 19:38:03
YO, I just got the same board. Do you have the software??
Hi i just bought a guitar with a MK-4902 keyboard that came with it . But no software. My unit has a 5pin midi port on the keyboard & a 15pin comp connection. (what a dickhead) I didnt realise that i didnt have a soundcard/midi 'in' port on my computer any more.
Yeah so im after software at this stage . Di dyoui have any luck. I had a look on eBay. & asked someone who is selling one of these keyboards, if they would sell me a copy of the software. No news yet.