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Thread Axiom 25's transports buttons stopped working.not sure why this would happen.

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Topic Axiom 25's transports buttons stopped working.not sure why this would happen.
I have a fairly new axiom 25 midi controller that is hooked up to ableton live lite edition. There's still a lot I need to learn, but I've been had fun using many of it's functions to record for the last few weeks. Just recently my transport buttons stopped working. I may have adjusted something to turn them off and I'm unsure of how this happened. If anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated :??:
Can't you just reconfigure them by clicking on the "key" button at the top right of the screen?
Thanks for the response. I got them to work by setting my axiom to program 18, which automatically sets the impulse on ableton live to the axiom drum pads (this is the only setting i've used my axiom on)....I am however wondering something else concerning the transport buttons though. I can get them to work on program 18, 19, and 20. Any other program (*1-17) does not allow me to use the transport buttons from the axiom. I am just wondering why this is. Is it that programs 18, 19, and 20 are meant for ableton live and the others are not?? If you know what I'm getting at you could definitely help me out in understanding this midi controller.

Also, I can usually understand instruction manuals with ease, but this one by M-Audio is almost useless to me.