1SKB-R1208 Gig Rig
NewsBased on the 1SKB19-R1406 Mighty Gig Rig design, the 1SKB19-R1208 Gig Rig is roto-molded of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE).
[Musikmesse] 1SKB-R104 & 1SKB-AV8
NewsMusikmesseSKB Corporation has added two new products for DJs and audio engineers, with the 1SKB-R104 Rack case and the 1SKB-AV8 shelf.
[NAMM] New SKB 4U Shock-Racks
NewsNAMMSKB Corporation displays two new 4U models in its Shock-Rack case line of products.
[NAMM] New SKB Keyboard Racks
NewsNAMMSKB Corporation has added three new keyboard cases to their lineup of keyboard transport solutions.