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Impromptu v2.5

Impromptu has been updated to version 2.5. The most significant new addition is the compiler.


New Additions in 2.5:

  • The Impromptu Compiler Runtime (ICR): The main new addition for Impromptu v2.5 is a completely new compiler architecture. The compiler is a statically typed, type inferencing compiler with support for closures, tail recursion, memory zones etc.. Along with the compiler are two new “code” AUs – an fx AU and an instrument AU – both designed to support hot swappable DSP kernels compiled at runtime. You can find out more about the compiler and the “code” AU’s here.
  • Better CIImage Support – Improved CoreImage support: In particular gfx:image2image now supports coreimage in both to and from positions. Additionally, you can now render a CIImage directly to an opengl canvas, which is significantly more efficient than previous options.
  • New String Processing Functions: There are a bunch of new native string processing functions: string-join, string-split, string-strip, string-replace, regex:match?, regex:matched, regex:match-all, regex:replace and regex:split.
  • Pattern Matching: Impromptu now ships with the Andrew Wright’s pattern matching library. You can read the Gauche library reference for details.
  • Livecoding Error Hook: The interpreter will now throw to an error hook providing you with greater control over exception handling. You initiate the livecoding error hook by calling (sys:livecoding-error-hook #t). Errors are then passed to the *livecoding-error-hook* function – which you may rebind. By default the function simply returns 1 but can be modified for more specialised behaviour.

Fixed Stuff:

  • Fixed the catastrophic memory allocation problem discovered by Thor.
  • Fixed some AU View bugs, particular related to Komplete’s new Cocoa AU Views.
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