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SynthFont v1.520

SynthFont has been updated to version 1.520.


New feature:

  • In Pianoroll, when moving over the lines, a hint window will display the key number and note. Use the context menu (right mouse button) to hide/show this message.


Bug fixes:

  • In Pianoroll, “Edit track”, “Change time (position) of events”, the limits were wrong when using “Move events BELOW the limit” or “Move events ABOVE the limit”.
  • Setting the velocity to 0 for a note actually deletes the note. Now you can not set it to lower than 1.
  • The velocity of a note when using the virtual keyboard to play, is determined by the vertical position of the mouse pointer on the key. This value was incorrectly computed for black keys.
  • Fixed a larger number of crash report bugs.
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