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Line 6 Spider II 212
Line 6 Spider II 212
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Published on 11/30/06 at 06:49
All dj t said ... But ...
This is an amp of modlisation trs good quality.
Stereo Combo Amp 2 X 75Watts RMS
12 modlisations from the Vetta amp
150 watts of power
2 HP 12-inch
4 customizable channels
7 numriques effects (Tape Echo, Standard Delay, Sweep Echo, Chorus / Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo and Reverb) with three simultaneous
Facade black with chrome buttons and bright tmoins
Headphone and line lenregistrement
comes with footswitch FBV2

I put 9 / 10 because nothing is perfect and also because there is no entry for a 2nd guitar which would really t ...


The config could not be simpler ... you hack and you register your pRSET ... (4 channels are 4 DIFFERENT pRSET very practical ...)
Very easy to use even for a novice ... vritable
It's really a good point!


It suited my style of music but I turned to an inimitable brand (Marshall) because I play mostly the heavy Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde ... and I was looking for their sound that I find are trs guys!
Otherwise, it's a really versatile amp: moving from a clean a monstrous distortion through a slight crunch or overdrive.
It should all styles of music but "" Mtalleux "" will find them!
I love all the little sounds prs (12 modlisations from the Vetta amp) as given we can easily rgler our taste.
more there are a lot of effects that are pretty good quality too bad there is no loop. (Only weak point but I would ignore!)


I used anviron 2 years. I t peak. I really rgaler with modlisations Metal and Insane with a distortion of CRAZY!
It's really a good amp modlisation trs, cheap and versatile ... It can be used on scne and I can tell you we do not stain! what do you expect?!? Amp try before buying but I Rasht eyes closed ...

Previous to our answer to the opinion ... we can not "compare a Mg100DFX" => you can not compare what is comparable! I for my part I prfre MG100DFX as the more typical Rock while the Spider II is more typical in metal distortion sounds.