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Dunlop JD-4S Rotovibe
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wurly74 wurly74

«  Good but not for the leslie simulation »

Published on 06/04/12 at 15:38
Leslie tremolo simulation
and chorus that does not look like a chorus


Surper simply connecting a jack on each side, everything is handled the foot pedal is used to control the rotation speed, the black knob depth (or intensity) and a small red button on the side that toggles the tremolo chorus mode mode


The tremolo was finally disappointed me, not very accurate and it's the kind of effect that will be used once every never, or so it may zicos other drunk very quickly.
I have a dod vibro thang that I find much better and more versatile in tremolo (dod phaser is the mat)
For the chorus against Whaou!
I use it with guitar and keyboard.
This is even more effective with the guitar

I put way to the note, but actually it is pretty poor for the tremolo and perfect for the chorus.


I had bought for the tremolo as a leslie simulation but I almost never lutilise.
For the chorus against me stuck with the downturn when it snaps into the position slowly!! A basic guitar and an amp with this rotten on the arpeggio air "shine on you crazy diamond" and it does.
It sounds very Led Zep, Ben Harper too.
The pedal in my opinion is indestructible, but also heavy and bulky, I rarely use the pedal shift: I'm mostly in chorus / slow position / maximum intensity.
If I found a small pedal-type boss with this setting and the sound plus the slowdown in the engagement I revendrais rotovibe, but .... a boss chorus does this sound absolutely beautiful.
A small snippet here in the version with the addition of a chorus and delay, drive a elka leslie: