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Yamaha REX50

Yamaha REX50

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Audience: Advanced users Best value: Excellent
Xenia ReydXenia Reyd

Yamaha REX50 mit dem legendären Symphonic Preset, Gitarren Multieffektor (Yamaha SPX90)

Yamaha REX50Published on 11/17/20 at 10:45
Das Effektgerät Yamaha mit dem legendären Symphonic Preset, welches auf quasi fast jeder 80s Platte zu hören ist und auch der Signature Sound der Nirvana Gitarre usw... Legendäres Effektgerät der 80er Jahre. ähnlich SPX90, SPX900, SPX1000, SPX990.
Yamaha beschreibt den REX50 als "digitalen Multieffektor"-"Gitarren Multieffektor mit Hi-Z-INPUT", dass er eine große Anzahl von Audioeffekten einzeln. Gibt es einige Fälle, in denen Sie mehr als einen Effekt gleichzeitig erzielen können.
Yamaha REX50 richtet sich möglicherweise in erster Linie an Gitarristen, aber der kleine Studiobesitzer könnte es vorziehen, es als Adaption des SPX90 zu betrachten.
Es stehen 9 Haupttypen von Effekten zur...…
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Das Effektgerät Yamaha mit dem legendären Symphonic Preset, welches auf quasi fast jeder 80s Platte zu hören ist und auch der Signature Sound der Nirvana Gitarre usw... Legendäres Effektgerät der 80er Jahre. ähnlich SPX90, SPX900, SPX1000, SPX990.
Yamaha beschreibt den REX50 als "digitalen Multieffektor"-"Gitarren Multieffektor mit Hi-Z-INPUT", dass er eine große Anzahl von Audioeffekten einzeln. Gibt es einige Fälle, in denen Sie mehr als einen Effekt gleichzeitig erzielen können.
Yamaha REX50 richtet sich möglicherweise in erster Linie an Gitarristen, aber der kleine Studiobesitzer könnte es vorziehen, es als Adaption des SPX90 zu betrachten.
Es stehen 9 Haupttypen von Effekten zur Verfügung:
Reverb: 4 Typen - Hall, Room, Vocal und Plate.
Frühe Reflexion: 4 Typen - Hall, Random, Reverse und Plate.
Verzögerung und Echo: entweder mit separatem oder kombiniertem Feedback.
Modulation: 4 Typen - Flansch, Chorus, Phase und Symphonic.
Tonhöhenänderung: 3 Typen - MIDI-gesteuert mit Feedback; 2 Tonhöhen in Stereo oder Mono.
Gate: Ein Noise Gate / Envelope Shaper und ein Gated Reverb.
Kompressor: eine Verzögerung und Kompressor.
Schwenken: Automatisches Schwenken.
Verzerrung: Grundlegende Overdrive-Verzerrung plus neun Kombinationen mit Hall-, Delay- / Echo- und Modulationseffekten.
30 Presets werden permanent im ROM gespeichert und geben einen Eindruck vom Umfang der Grundeffekte. 60 RAM-basierte Speicherplätze (mit Batterie-Backup) dienen zur Speicherung Ihrer eigenen Variationen.
Das eingehende Audiosignal kann entweder Mono oder Stereo sein, obwohl die beiden Kanäle des Stereosignals vor der digitalen Verarbeitung summiert werden. Ein Drehregler auf der Rückseite ermöglicht die Einstellung der Eingangsverstärkung.
Ein Trimmpotentiometer "Hi-Z-INPUT" für den Eingangspegel - eine Verbesserung gegenüber dem ursprünglichen SPX90, der nur einen Eingangspegelschalter hatte.
Der unsymmetrische Ausgang ist in Stereo mit einem Schalter zur Auswahl von Nur-Effekt- oder Effekt-Plus-Eingang, sodass Sie den REX50 über die Sende- und Rücklaufanschlüsse eines Mischpults inline oder als Außenborder verwenden können.
Alle Audiopegel arbeiten mit dem Studio-Standardpegel von -10 dBm und einer Impedanz von 10 kOhm. Der linke Kanaleingang ist der Mono-Eingang. Wenn Sie nur diesen anschließen, wird an beiden Ausgängen das Direktsignal angezeigt. Anstelle der üblichen Phono / Cinch-Anschlüsse nach dem Standard für die Heimaufnahme verwendet der REX50 Viertel-Zoll-Buchsen für die Audioeingangs- und -ausgangsanschlüsse, vermutlich aufgrund seiner beabsichtigten Anwendung als Gitarreneffektgerät.
In der TRUE GUITAR-Effektmode bietet der REX50 ¼ "Audio-Ein- und Ausgänge auf der Rückseite. Dies bringt uns direkt zu etwas, das geklärt werden muss - obwohl der REX50 linke und rechte Ein- und Ausgänge bietet und Stereoeffekte möglich sind, sind die Ein- und Ausgänge möglich werden nicht separat verarbeitet. Stattdessen werden sie summiert und dann zusammen verarbeitet, um Stereoeffekte zu erzeugen. Anschließend können Sie die trockenen Eingangssignale mit dem Effekt mischen. Dadurch eignen sich die Eingänge für den Betrieb des REX50 als Inline-Effekt für Instrumente (normalerweise Synthesizer) ) mit Stereoausgängen. Bei der Inline-Gitarrenverarbeitung wird der REX50 durch Einstecken nur in den linken Eingang für den monophonen Betrieb eingerichtet, obwohl das trockene Eingangssignal an beiden Ausgängen angezeigt wird.
Im Inneren des REX50 wird das Audiosignal mithilfe einer sehr cleveren Technologie, die das von Yamaha bei der Entwicklung von Chips voll ausnutzt, in digital umgewandelt. Sie verwenden einen einzelnen DAC-Chip, um die Analog-Digital-Wandlung sowie die Stereo-Digital-Analog-Wandlung durchzuführen und zwischen den einzelnen Funktionen zu multiplexen.
Die Quantisierung ist 16-Bit-linear bei einer Abtastrate von 31,25 kHz, was einen resultierenden Frequenzgang von 20 Hz bis 12 kHz ergibt. Vintage Sound! Die Reverbs klingen natürlich, ohne unerwartete Farb- oder böse Quantisierungseffekte. Das Early Reflection-Programm bietet eine überzeugende akustische Simulation eines Raums ohne die Mushiness des Nachhalls. Die Presets Flange, Phasing, Chorus und Symphonic machen genau das, was ihre Namen vermuten lassen, und erzeugen sehr effektiv Effekte vom Typ "Modulated Delay". Der Reverse Gated Reverb ist ein sehr effektiver Spezialeffekt, der den Eindruck von Rückwärtsecho oder Hall erweckt. Die zusätzliche eingebaute Verzerrung macht den REX50 zu einem Anwärter auf die Effekt-Waffenkammer des Gitarristen. Die letzten 10 Presets verfügen alle über die digitale Verzerrung, entweder allein oder in Kombination mit anderen Effekten. Die Meinungen über den Verzerrungseffekt selbst waren bei den von mir konsultierten Gitarristen unterschiedlich - dies ist ein sehr subjektiver Bereich.
Sie können MIDI Program Change-Meldungen verwenden, um einen REX50-Effekt aus der Ferne auszuwählen, die Tonhöhenverschiebung einer der drei Pitch Change-Optionen einzustellen und die Gate-Effekte auszulösen.
Insgesamt ist dies eine wunderbare Box, um nahezu jede akustische Umgebung zu schaffen, die Sie erwähnen möchten, von natürlich bis unmöglich.
Freq Response: 20Hz to 12kHz (+1/-4dB, 1kHz = 0dB)
Sampling Rate: 31.25kHz
Quantisation: Linear, 16 bits
Dynamic Range: 74dB (effect)
Noise Floor: -76dBm
60 RAM memories
30 preset effects
4 banks of MIDI program change mapping
Stereo Input and Output at -10dBm
MIDI In only
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Excellent for spicing up a synth / BAR

Yamaha REX50Published on 06/30/14 at 08:56
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
In the creature more than 30 effects, chorus, flanger, reverb, delay, distortion, pan, gate and mixtures of it (as a result of both).
Their publishing in the device is possible via a number of parameters and effects are arranged savable (60 saves).
Bypass usable on / off (no knob)
No rack.
Jack L / R In
Jack L / R Out
Jacks pedal (for controlling effects or changing the use of the bypass).
Note a potentiometer to the input jack volume.

MIDI Out is useless for a machine like that, it controls sound than MIDI data.
All this is excellent. 9.


I got this machine, I just do not know before. I wanted to try it on a piano (...…
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In the creature more than 30 effects, chorus, flanger, reverb, delay, distortion, pan, gate and mixtures of it (as a result of both).
Their publishing in the device is possible via a number of parameters and effects are arranged savable (60 saves).
Bypass usable on / off (no knob)
No rack.
Jack L / R In
Jack L / R Out
Jacks pedal (for controlling effects or changing the use of the bypass).
Note a potentiometer to the input jack volume.

MIDI Out is useless for a machine like that, it controls sound than MIDI data.
All this is excellent. 9.


I got this machine, I just do not know before. I wanted to try it on a piano (Clavinova CLP-130), bang in the input jacks. At first glance, when you do not know the type of gear, it is a bit lost: but the buttons are not many, so after ten minutes I had the camera functions WITHOUT MANUAL, because otherwise it would not have been funny:-D
Conclusion: the manual is useless to learn how to change the effect used (in an identical order with delivery to start once at the end), edit effects, save editions (the edits of effects just after This almost).
Only drawback of this use: Use the up and down buttons to show (change) the current effect, but of course not as fast as with a potentiometer "value", which would have been useful . However, we can solve this problem by editing effect so that it does not perceive themselves, and change the current effect for a dry signal. As the cutoff between effects is inaudible or nearly inaudible, it returns to the prompt use of a knob. In addition, if you have a controller knobs, it is you (maybe!) possible via the MIDI In, control parameters.

Perfect use without a manual, a few small problems but remediable: it all worth 9.


In previous notice some users have criticized the distortions, something I do not understand. They are certainly different, which gives the machine a certain originality, but then to say that these effects are grimey and lo-fi? somewhat exaggerated as opinion. Know that the distortion does not sound like on other devices, where a negative view from the other affiliates.
NO, the effects sound good, I think sufficient quality. After, I do not say they are great, I remind you that this is a machine for 80 YEARS not estimate as Korg Kaoss Pad Quad's now.
A small caveat: do not go reverbs gain as is the case elsewhere. They may drop a little, but it is not a big problem.

Conclusion: the effects are good EVEN DISTO, but do not forget that this machine will be used to further spice up the sound of a device rather than an entire set, as would a mixer to a Korg effects or KPQ. It is still unusual for a device 80. Therefore I put 8.


I bought it yesterday and it made me very good impression. I intend to use it to improve the sound of a monophonic analog synth that I procure thereafter. To use this then it seems to me perfectly. The sound output is really good, something necessary for an effects processor.
This is my first processor specific effects, I am amazed knowing that the quality of the effects is not far from those that I can do with FL Studio 11. Both techniques have similar reports.

The +:
- Various effects and good quality
- "Really vintage machine" that costs nothing more Used
- Fine for couple with an analog synth, if some reverb is reduced (because it always takes a little bit .... always ;-))
- Compact
- The output quality

The -:
- No knob, but if you take a MIDI controller could remedy (you can even put the controller on the REX if not too ;-))
- Reverb sometimes not enough noisy

Do not tell me about quality / price ratio, I was offered this machine. But quite frankly, with the current bargain price, it is good. He perhaps was not at the time of the Franks, who knows?
If we had the choice again, I honestly do not know if I would do it again ..... no knobs but really cheap and perfect to go with an analog .............. ..... I hope I do not have to ask me! :-D

Hopefully this review has served
Ethan Van Guard
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Yamaha REX50Published on 02/09/12 at 13:10
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
30 + 60 effects pre customizable.
Echo, Delay, Distortion, Panoramic, Pitcher, Chorus, Flanger
All the effects are stereo. Parameterizable effects are only from 30 pre-programmed effects, which limits a bit.
This is one of the leading digital multi-effects. So do not expect the Hi-Tech today. No rack for 2 cents, it has an entrance midday (the minimum) and a mono or stereo output. The output level is adjustable behind the camera.


Usage is fairly simple with no manual or handbook if you play an hour or two above. on the other hand, the manual is well if we want to know all the editing possibilities, because they are quite numerous.
The French manual is almost...…
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30 + 60 effects pre customizable.
Echo, Delay, Distortion, Panoramic, Pitcher, Chorus, Flanger
All the effects are stereo. Parameterizable effects are only from 30 pre-programmed effects, which limits a bit.
This is one of the leading digital multi-effects. So do not expect the Hi-Tech today. No rack for 2 cents, it has an entrance midday (the minimum) and a mono or stereo output. The output level is adjustable behind the camera.


Usage is fairly simple with no manual or handbook if you play an hour or two above. on the other hand, the manual is well if we want to know all the editing possibilities, because they are quite numerous.
The French manual is almost correct and usable, which is a feat for Japanese textbooks of 80 years.
The issue involves relatively simple menus.


The effects are largely obsolete for most, but two things still worth the shot on this little machine.
The distortion is very special. It is quite disgusting if you want a classic distortion sound. But if you want to emulate Robert Fripp's guitar when he accompanied Brian Eno in the '70s, then, I only know this little machine that can make you sound Fripp.
The "pitch change C" with an electroacoustic will give you the sound of Roy Harper 80s (and he still occasionally used today).
Just for these two sounds, I keep this little machine that is irreplaceable.
The "Delay" are not too bad and very customizable, but nowadays, considerable progress has been made.
This is the digital prehistory and you have to use it wisely and use sounds that can be done with this machine and not try to run it through effects as understood today . And in this case, it is irreplaceable for certain things.


I use it for purchase in 80 years.
It is very outdated now, but for the sounds I above (plus a third one which gives its type U2), I keep the beast and keeps it.
Note that there is an internal battery for the memory (a very standard 2032). To change this, you need a good soldering iron and here we go again for 25 years. This is the same as on synths like the DX7. Unlike the Korg equipment, the battery is directly soldered onto the board, then buy in a store component of a battery holder and put a piece of wire to replace the old.
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Yamaha REX50Published on 09/28/04 at 02:14
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
The REX 50 is old effector of 1987, dynamic frequency between 20Hz and 12kHz, 74 dB dynamic, 16-bit converter, 30 briefs in ROM and 60 RAM. The effects are classic reverbs many, insert effects, chorus, flanger, distortion (very yucky, the distortion ...). You can not use two effects together, although some programs in ROM can add distortion and classic effect. Non-rack, the REX 50 is exceeded in terms of features. The REX 50 has a MIDI In used to receive program changes or commands to the program of Pitcher.


The use is tedious: YAMAHA REX released its 50 to the glorious days when everyone believed that with eight buttons and an LCD wave could easily program. Error, error!...…
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The REX 50 is old effector of 1987, dynamic frequency between 20Hz and 12kHz, 74 dB dynamic, 16-bit converter, 30 briefs in ROM and 60 RAM. The effects are classic reverbs many, insert effects, chorus, flanger, distortion (very yucky, the distortion ...). You can not use two effects together, although some programs in ROM can add distortion and classic effect. Non-rack, the REX 50 is exceeded in terms of features. The REX 50 has a MIDI In used to receive program changes or commands to the program of Pitcher.


The use is tedious: YAMAHA REX released its 50 to the glorious days when everyone believed that with eight buttons and an LCD wave could easily program. Error, error! The parameters of certain reflections are surprisingly numerous and specific (up to 12 configurable parameters for a noise-gate or gate-reverb), but it takes patience and small fingers, a result that will appeal to more patients and melted programing that fans of "Easy Listening and Quick."

If you love programming and hacking, the use of the REX 50 will not surprise you. I like, so my rating is a result. I forgot: my REX 50 has never dropped since 1989. Solid, then!


The 8 types of reverb are good to excellent, the chorus, flanger are pretty nil, the compressor sounds heavy, greasy and dirty, the pitcher will be used instead of special effects to film in the studio, the distos are zero, the delays are used but lack dynamics. If you find a REX 50, the quality and warmth of reverb will surprise you. Me, I use the REX 50 to add a little dirty and grain in my mix. The REX 50 adds depth to what you do. Good for keyboards, a bit heavy for voice, certainly good for guitars or "wet" a percussion.


This is an old hacker tool, for some applications convoluted. And as I like what is choppy, I love my REX 50. Certainly not the best moment of reverb (!), But little effect in back of a mix, it certainly is worth it. My rating is a result of what can be used today REX 50.
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Audio excerpts

Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Yamaha
  • Model: REX50
  • Category: Multi-Effects Processors
  • Added in our database on: 10/04/2002

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Other categories in Studio Effects

Other names: rex50, rex 50, rex 50, rex50