TopicPosted on 12/09/2014 at 01:08:59Help finding good tutorials for programming strings
Hi everyone, first time poster. I've always loved the sound of cinematic strings but whenever I've tried to program them myself, I've been let down. It just sounds too robotic, unnatural and rigid.
I know I won't be able to get cinematic sound by any magic plugin, but perhaps you members on AF can help direct me to some very valuable tutorials/VSTs/etc to get started on the right foot? thanks.
New AFfiliate
Member 10 years ago
2Posted on 12/09/2014 at 02:47:59
A youtube search of scoring for film or composing film music should help. But in general, strings are extremely dynamic so it's imperative to maintain their dynamics (or at least not to crush them) when dealing with samples.
Right from the get-go, a useful yet simple thing to do is put an LFO (low frequency oscillator) on volume using a slow 1/1 2/1 sine. Try it out and see if it helps improve the sound of your strings!