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Mojo France Japan
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marcibus marcibus
Published on 09/19/08 at 05:10
Value For Money : Excellent
Octavia fuzz and analog component silicon
two types of fuzz: a more acute and aggressive
or heavier but less powerful and octavia
9v power supply or battery type boss (no door, one must undo)
a bypass switch (true) and a switch octavia
a small metal box painted by hand, I No. 14 ...


The config is very simple: drive, tone and volume,
+ Switch that can change the type of fuzz.
The manual is simple but the pedal too.


Used with a standard U.S. Start in 1987, Seymour Duncan Antiquity II
Fender Blues Junior amp,
this pedal sounds great ... a regal ...
coupled with a slight overdrive is the Band of Gypsys.
Or the more modern sound like a Big Muff.
The octavia can sound out (mainly with the micro severe)
which approximates the sound of a rhodes saturated, or even go through the mini moog
a ring modulator, especially when one or wha autowha was put behind ...
I put the pedal at the start of string, is nothing to take, when playing with the volume
the guitar is reached full of different sounds ...


I use it for several years,
on the other hand should not be clever with the volume,
this pedal is very powerful.
I never try another octavia, but even tater j'aimererais Quanfa the roger mayer to see the difference. The price is excellent value for € 190 to the pedal (at the time) for two high-quality effects (and octavia fuzz) ...
It's still a special effect, but the fuzz in itself is worth the cost!