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Blue Cat Updates Free Plugins

Blue Cat Audio has released new versions of all its free audio plug-ins for both Mac and PC in Audio Unit, VST, and DirectX formats.

The new versions bring several fixes as well as new windows installers that allow the installation of all plugins at once.

The 9 plug-ins are available for download for free as a single bundle or separately on www.bluecataudio.com.

What’s new:
  • New Windows Installer (much faster install, improved upgrades and single bundle installer)
  • Blue Cat’s Skinnning Language 1.6.1 support
  • Bug Fix (PC): Cubase freezes when loading a preset using a different skin while the plug-in window is open
  • Bug Fix: Undo / Redo could fail when using the fine edit dialog in some specific scenaarios (focus issue)

System requirements:
  • Intel or Power PC Mac running Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) or Snow Leopard (10.6)
  • PC running Windows XP or Vista

Bundle link: www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Bundle_FreewarePack
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