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KResearch releases KR-Space v1.5

KResearch has announced that it has updated KR-Space to v1.5 which is a rather major reworking of the "modular reverb-echoes based multi-effect plug-in" for Windows and Mac OS X.

KR-SpaceThe update is free for registered users of KR-Space although the price has risen to $129 for new customers.


  • New high precision sliders and knobs.
  • Early/Late balance is now Listener position.
  • The new sliders and knobs correct a bug from the previous version where it was difficult to adjust values near the minimum value settings.
  • Sliders accept keyboard input by double click.
  • Knob value boxes accept keyboard input.
  • New skin.
  • New input selector with left/right/stereo instead of mono button.
  • New LED VU meters.
  • New preset name display (VST only).
  • New Active Module connection graph.
  • New Graphic Link button.
  • New Aose Graphic Animation Display with:
    • Frequency changes bubble outer color.
    • Frequency variation varies colours between bubbles.
    • Size/Size variation change bubble sizes.
    • Resonance/Resonance variation change bubble inner colours.
    • Distance/Distance Variation move bubbles in space.
    • LFO Frequency/Amplitude oscillate bubbles in real time.
    • Rate Distance/Distance variation move bubbles back and forth in space (real time).

  • New Diffusion/Asymmetry graph.
  • New LPF/Limiter graph.
  • New Feedback Graph.
  • AOSE level indicator in db.
  • New knobs and displays for balance operations.
  • New Size/Decay and diffusion graph displays for Early/Late reflections.
  • New Modulation/Amplitude graph for late reflections.
  • New Graph for damping filtering for Early/Late reflections.
  • New Master equalizer graph display.
  • Graph for Listener position and Dry/Wet mix for reverb module.
  • Reverb level now in db instead of %.
  • AOSE/Reverb and Early/Late tab change buttons.
  • Click on the KResearch Logo now displays version info.
  • New 28 extreme drum presets.

Note: Version 1.5 retains preset compatibility with v1.1.0 and v1.2.0.
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