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ToneBoosters updates its plug-ins to V3

ToneBoosters updated yesterday its plug-ins to V3, with a new GUI, various improvements and a new compressor plug-in.

ToneBoosters advises you not to update until you finished your projects with v2, for some plug-ins may not be retro-compatible and some audio differences may appear between versions.

For all plug-ins, ToneBoosters revamped the GUI, enhanced mappings and automation, added the ability to scroll drop-down menus with the mouse wheel, a reduced the CPU and latency.

Here are the new specific news:

  • Barricade changes its Autosaturation control with an intelligent multiband limiter
  • Reelbus saturation module has been reworked and some “gimmicks”, such as tape stop or noise reduction, removed
  • Equalizer is equipped with new filter types (notch, band-pass, Pultec-type shelving)
  • You can now continuously change the (re)sampling rate in TimeMachine and use the new saturation module with drive and mix controls. Plus, this plug-in joins the TrackEssentials bundle
  • BusCompressor: new compressor plug-in

You can download the update from www.toneboosters.com.

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