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Blackstar Amplification HT-Metal
Blackstar Amplification HT-Metal
MetalDerf MetalDerf

«  HT-metal: a good name gear, it can do everything! »

Published on 03/23/13 at 01:28
Value For Money : Excellent
Pedal (large) distortion.
Tube technology.
Two footswitchable channels plus a manual switch clean / OD on channel 1.
An instrument input.
An output amplifier.
Emulated output.
It's heavy, it's stable, it's metal.


For use almost no complaints.
The manual is very concise but requires no more. In fact, the settings are simple and classic:
- Gain level and independent for each channel
- Bass, middle, treble and ISF common

The rest is conventional and known, let's look at the ISF. This knob is supposed magic we are to navigate between Rican and his English. Personally I have no ear to confirm but in any case, it acts as a very effective voicing can sculpt the sound right.

Negative (and if there is ...)
The markings around the knobs are very brief, which may interfere with the precision settings or if you want to write some for later.
Potentiometers double (concentric) to level and gain seems a bit fragile. More, but it may be the case that on my pedal when I turn one of the knobs for gain, it leads to another.


So the sound quality ... A killing!
Start from the beginning, channel 1. I plug my Les Paul Studio and it's gone.
Position in clean, let's be honest, it does not stay clean for long. It happens quickly crunch warm and round (the Les Paul there surely not for nothing). It's beautiful, musical, short sounds good. More you turn the gain and the sound hardens (normal you might say). At the end of the race, we are left with an overdrive good for rock / hard rock well hairy!
Come gain always thoroughly, I switched the switch OD. And then, bang in the face. Head rolling on the floor. Powerful, warm, responsive, well-defined. As stated in the ad: "The sound in your head." The sound I've always wanted without knowing it (and much more given the quality and accuracy of settings.)
Here, we are in serious, modulating cleverly gain, almost anything goes, heavy, thrash, power, black, death ... Good for the last two, it will be more old school, it is not his area of ​​expertise. But it also depends on the shovel that you plug in and amp behind.
Go! Channel 2!
Opening the gates of hell! We climb another step up in power and distortion. You lose definition what is gained by biting. The sound is a little dirtier. Very well suited for a big dirty rhythm or solo.
As for the other settings, it is a joy responsiveness and musicality. Almost all the settings will be exploited in one way or another, the knobs are useful on almost all of their race.

emulated output makes taf no more. For the sound, it will be better to use the output amp and amp and speakers to emulate software or raising the sound out of microphone amplifier.


I use this pedal for 2 months and I am far from having discovered all, this is a gold mine. I try more or less expensive models, large or small manufacturers, pedals shops ... but in the end this is the one the chosen of my heart.
It shows a huge versatility from the clean not quite clean up the distortion and untameable wild through endless crunch / overdrive blues / rock / hard rock. It's simple, I found myself separated from my English Muff'n, what I thought was impossible.
The price / quality ratio is excellent and I would do this choice without hesitation.