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Dwarfcraft Devices Eau claire thunder
Dwarfcraft Devices Eau claire thunder
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«  Happiness! »

Published on 03/21/13 at 03:22
Fuzz pedal (huge) boost + distortion (huge) + feedback (génial!) fully analog. Robust housing.


No man is an effect, then we must seek its settings!


- Trim: Adjusts the input level to suit the output level of microphones used. Prevents or enhances the effect "mush".

- Volume: as its name suggests ...

- Tone: idem, but it is a low-cut filter and not a general tone.

Disto-: Adjusts the gain level, from mild to extreme!

Switch-Timewarp: sometimes offer a vintage sound or a more "scooped" in the mids high and low for a more violent.

The three buttons at the bottom: right, it is on / off. In the middle, "toneblast" gives volume and depth to your solos.
And the little + Feedback: active oscillator, just to play the Sonic Youth. You move the button "feedback" to color oscillation.


Perfect, I love this pedal that I use with a gibson les paul studio lite or a faded fender hot rod deluxe.

Pouvre you really find your own zik.


I use it for more than 2 years, she has never shake my pedalboard because it gives a particular color to my zik.

Must spend 250 euros on average but that it is done and moving.