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Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
magpask magpask
Published on 02/25/08 at 07:28
Pedal boost / overdrive an amp supposed to simulate lamps. Like any boss pedal, you can drive nails with, jump with both feet on it with the Doc's, No problem ... it delivers a bluesy, or flirting with the od / US distos the seventies.


Config play: Level, Tone, Gain, should not have done HEC, like the PS 5 ... by the same manufacturer against, versatile enough depending on the type of microphone used and especially guitar amp to sound of Hell ... it disappoint or the same amount ... manual OK.
Fastoche Edition, heads of ways, I am a tt agree with the adage: If it sounds a quarter of an hour after've plugged in, make changes! or you love to lead ...


It was bought to boost a Fender Champion 30 w. And she said her job! To say it is replacing a lamp, do not push it ... especially when you end up in a acqérir and you compare! But it changes enough through an amp to bring him a grain and a very special warm sound. Very comfortable in overdrive / distos (no death ... the thing that kills slight), I personally find very very typical Vintage 70's. I have a Dirty Proco to sound more current or Fuzz, so I use Boost or Od, only on my 30 w transistors ...
So config Dues' Starplayer TV, Bd 2, 3 and DD Proco I what I want, at the Surf Garage ...


I have mine for over 3 years ... (Edit 22 / 02 / 08: I have more, my Od, now is a Jacques TubeBlower ...) Well, actually, my opinion is ... It is a subjective look at the price / quality ratio of Boss and remember that TS 808 is mini three times as much. Their pedals are super strong, the sound is always (or almost) with return (other than CS 3, hopeless, may eventually replace a hair dryer blowing in terms of wedge or a piece of furniture ...), they are expensive new, Always impeccable but after twenty years of hard work and kick (Rangeos, Tiagua, Docs, that's heavy! (the creepers not count ..), do not crachottent, and sell really well ... The power supply is essential, unless you have a stock in Duracell ...
Apart from the pedals shops, of course, and some old Ibanez or TC, I see nothing that bears comparison with Boss (Edit 22 / 02 / 08: I wrote that myself?? Good desfois is tells a bit of crap: I have since discovered EHX, Visual Sound, Fulltone, the Vox Cooltron, Blackstar, Jacques Stompboxes ... Mea Culpa!). When the pedals plastic shell, to love buying the stuff, too fragile, there's not a serious zicos buy it ... it must be less than 70 euros in VPC ... For cons, need to compare a others according to his model of guitar and amp. Golden Rule, as far as possible, always test a new pedal with your guitar and his amp ... But it is true that boost, it works wonders and you will discover through an amp, without making not a "real" lights ... Miracles is in Lourdes ...