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Fairfield Circuitry The Barbershop Overdrive

Fairfield Circuitry has introduced the Barbershop Overdrive, an original design overdrive pedal.

Described by the brand as warm, smooth and transparent, the Barbershop Overdrive is said to produce satisfying results with all setups but to truly shine when used to dirty up a tube amp.

Aside from the usual Drive and Volume controls, this stompbox features a Sag knob, which can be used to reduce the voltage to the amplifiers as you turn it counter clockwise, thus giving additional control over the character and feel of the saturation—the lower the Sag, the browner the sound. With this control, full voltage is applied when the control is set fully clockwise, making the pedal sound at its cleanest and loudest.

The Barbershop Overdrive features true bypass switching can be powered by either a 9V battery or a typical 9V AC/DC adapter (9VDC, center negative).

MSRP is 175 CA$, with a 2-year extended warranty and 30-day money back guarantee.

More information on the brand’s web site, where U.S. and Canadian residents can currently enter a givaway draw by subscribing to their newsletter (two Barbershop Overdrives are at stakes, winners will be announced on Christmas day).
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