Cerwin Vega JE-36CX - " Sub amazing"
translatedI use it for two weeks. Essay JBL mainly ... The sub is all well finished beauty, black paint really hardwearing granite mountain on wheels for dplacement. This sub needed. both visually and ac…
Electro-Voice TX1152 - biggg's review
translatedI have utilses once in evening Very good sound, end, clear and prcis Lack a bit of bass, only (but not rods hp) I combines with 4 bass boxes yorkvilles LS808 and sounds very well they take mu…
Cerwin Vega CVA-28X - " Stunning !!!"
translatedThis small head amplifies 400W double 8 "including a coax Cerwin is simply bluffing ... Small footprint and patient performance with an acoustic quality to fall ... I just bought a pair with a su…
Cerwin Vega CVP-1152X - " BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL !!!"
translatedI use it for 1 month. This enclosure 15 "+ word 1" is stirring. I have used for evening students, active filters and coupls caissons JE-36CX: A killing. Then, only in wide bands to DJs ries 120 peo…
Cerwin Vega PS 152 - " Curious, but good for the service."
translatedPurchased in 2008 but in their carton! Model rather curious: This dual 15 "is 8 ohms. Second, unlike many of its competitors who are seriously big, this one, if it is used only missing ... It gi…
d&b audiotechnik M4 - " To top"
translatedPregnant aesthetically "go anywhere", sober and classic sounds wonderful.
HK Audio Projector System - " A professional system 3600W rms HK PROJECTOR"
translatedAfter you try RCF, Dynacord, Ev franchemant Hk my projector eclairsi in the superb quality of its son..un uncroyable.honntement I is never red tape in real amplis.de DB 1w1m sound very powerful for l…
RCF ART 725-A - djamrans's review
translatedAlso I see a lot of opportunity for sale of 725a 715 of them dbarrass by this spineless against the rcf 525 with 2 subwoofer rcf it brief bomb Nexo PS15 take I think for the price Boff I am lost
EAW SB 528 - " too fragile too big too fat"
translatedrather to prefer the sb 850 hps are rcf in 2 cases and remains fragile too remembraning on rcf sub equipped B / C NEXO for example, are more reliable.
Gemini DJ GVX-15 - " Do not be fooled by appearances!"
translatedGemini DJ GVX-15 - " Do not be fooled by appearances"
translatedHK Audio Lucas 2000 - " Hours of Operation: very good size / power"
translatedI never possd lucas 2000, but I did a gig with us two group recently tions with low electric guitar and acoustic drums and vocals kind of music especially rock with reggae and I can you just say that…
L-Acoustics MTD115 - aygul.veli's review
translatedSell pack l-accoutic MTD 115 + Amp Processor, all in good condition with rack on roulettes.Appeler Vincent in June 15 50 55 32.
EMISON Acoustique Lineflex 15 - " AWESOME, CLASS!"
translatedThis stuff is the bomb OJ ...........
JBL JRX125 - " not bad"
translatedI use them for two years yes some other model tested before purchase they are relatively effective pregnant little we glue them a good amp behind departing fesait I turn with a 602 xls but th…