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Novation Launchpad
Novation Launchpad

PAD Controller from Novation belonging to the Launchpad series

motionless motionless
Published on 04/22/10 at 06:41
I use it for a few months

I wanted it as soon as I knew we could emulate a monome with ...

The quality looks good to me, especially given that the creature can ... Assuming only nonome, which is free, you can control all applications (free) developed for the monomial on the version of Max MSP Runtime (free), it makes a helluva lot of opportunities to make music for less 200 euros ...

The integration with Live is also impressive, it installs the drivers, is connected, it launches live, and all lights ... Part one side effect gadget but it is Gaul, without having to configure anything.
In all cases, the laucnhpad + another controller (like faders + UC33 to combine pots, found in OCCAZ very affordable) makes it fly ... And personally I prefer this option (LP + 2nd controller) rather than the APC just to have a monome emulation with a real grid of 64 buttons, but after it is a matter of taste ...

So yes, I would do the same choice with experience, and I think innovation has hit pretty hard with this product ...