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Apple MacBook Pro 13.3/ 2.26/ 2 GB/160 - Djzapman's review
translatedI use it for two and a half years mainly for mixing with Scratch club, before I was but that was before PC! Nothing to do with my old Asus laptop which was however a high-end model! I like its st…
Apple MacBook Pro 13.3/ 2.26/ 2 GB/160 - barbes's review
translatedFor how long have you been using it? 1 month Did you try many other models before getting this one? Powerbook G4 12 "(2004) and MacBook Pro 15.4 Model (December 2007) Knowing what you know no…
Apple MacBook Pro 13.3/ 2.26/ 2 GB/160 - barbes's review
translatedFor how long have you been using it? 1 month Did you try many other models before getting this one? Powerbook G4 12 "(2004) and MacBook Pro 15.4 Model (December 2007) Knowing what you know no…