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De La Mancha Octav8r

De La Mancha unveils his Octav8r, an advanced Pitch Shifter.

Octav8r is a 7-node pitch-shifter that generates 6 differently pitched stereo versions of the audio input added to a ‘dry’ non-shifted signal to generate a richly layered sound.

Each node has its own volume envelope and variable state filter plus send controls to vibrato, chorus, delay and reverb effects. The envelopes can be triggered by midi, audio gate or looped in sync with the host tempo.

The primary idea of Octav8r is to create multiple pitch-shifted layers of the incoming audio. With some twiddling you can get creative with panning to generate separation around the stereo field, use envelopes to bring each node in and out at different times and use chorus, delay and reverb to make each node sit differently in the mix.

You can use the tempo-sync envelope trigger to create rhythmic gating or pulsing and the envelope toggles to make only some nodes modulated whilst others stay constant. Most controls have midi CC and midi learn support, so with some automation or midi knob twiddling, you can make the output really move around.

6 pitch-shifting nodes, with octave shifting (-3 to +3) and semitone shifting (-12 to +12, to 0.001 semitones
All nodes have independent volume, pan, ADSR envelope, variable state filter, vibrato, chorus, delay and reverb controls
Node 0 is the ‘dry’ audio at incoming pitch, which also has pan, ADSR, chorus, delay and reverb
Envelopes can be triggered by midi note, audio gate, a tempo-sync loop or bypassed
Envelope contours can be changed and set to restart or pick-up at retrigger
Mix level can be adjusted between dry and pitch-shifted nodes
Each node can be fine tuned for pitch shift method and buffer size
Each node, envelope and effect can be switched off to save CPU
Midi CC support and midi learn for most controls
38 presets
Multi-out version for hosts that can support this feature

It is sold $15. You can download a VST demo and audio examples by clicking here.

Note for users with Multicore processors:

Octav8r was developed using SynthEdit software version 1.016. There is a known bug with this version that affects some multicore processors, although it isn’t widely documented. Some users with multicore processors and certain hosts have reported issues when trying to load multiple instances of the same SynthEdit plugin. This bug is not reproducable on all systems or hosts, and may not occur on your system. If you have a multicore processor you are strongly urged to fully test the demo version of Octav8r on your system before purchasing.

This bug does NOT affect single core processors or single instances of a plugin. This bug only seems to apply in hosts with multi-core support. It is intended that SynthEdit 1.1 will fix this bug, but there is no planned release date. There is no guarantee that Octav8r can be updated on release of SE 1.1, as the compatibility between the two versions is not certain. If you do have issues with multiple instances, there is a potential workaround. By making several copies of Octav8r.dll (eg Octav8r_1.dll, Octav8r_2.dll, etc) in your VST directory, your host will see each one as a different plugin and be able load one instance of each
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