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Bluenoise Bandecho

Bluenoise launches Bandecho, a new tape echo plug-in based on vintage hardware, and available in VST format for Windows.

Bandecho is based on a main stereo tape echo but can reproduce up to 8 echoes, with a GUI broken down into various racks:

  • Tape Echo Rack: The first is the stereo tape echo that is the heart in the plugin and what drives all the other functions. This echo can be up to 5 seconds long and can be synced to your host BPM for easy beat making. The readouts automatically change from milliseconds to beat when set syncing to host. You can change from regular quarter notes to dotted and triples. The two sliders adjust the time and in stereo mode you can set a different echo time for left and right. It also has some vfilters that can make the echo oscillate new tones and a LFO that can modulate different sources like the mentioned cutoff filters and panning.
  • Drive Rack: Distorsion withcutoff and resonance filters, possibilité to self-oscillate.
  • Effect Rack: effect section including Old Tape which makes the tape slow down and speed up like a bad tapehead, Granilizer which really gives the tape a dirty sound, Chorus and Comb Filter
  • Multiecho Rack: The multiecho rack consists of the six last echoes in the chain. The first two are taken from the input signal making it two extra basic echoes. The third and the fourth are taken after the distortion part and will echo the distorted signal. The last two echoes are taken after the combfilter and will therefore have all the different processes included when echoed.
  • Output Rack: The last rack is the output rack where you where you can set the plugin up to be a send effect or an insert effect. It also shows the outputs for all the different delays.


Bandecho comes with 100 presets. 32 et 64-bit Windows versions are supported and it is half-priced throughout August  (€35). You can listen to demos and download a 7-day trial version from www.bluenoiseplugins.com/plugins/bandecho.

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