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Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop Update

Expert Sleepers has released version 2.1 of Augustus Loop for both Windows and Mac OS X.

Please note the current product picture may not be up-to-date – We’ll update it as soon as we grab the new product pictures.

This new version adds some new functionality to Augustus Loop’s MIDI/OSC and GUI scripting.

Timing functions

In MIDI/OSC scripts you should now be able to:
  • Get the time between two events.
  • Ask for a function to be called after a certain amount of time, or regularly at a specified interval.

Using these functions you can do useful things like distinguish between short and long foot-pedal presses, or detect double taps, etc., ES says.

GUI indicators for MIDI/OSC script status
A new form of the existing 'indicator’ GUI item has been added, together with some corresponding MIDI/OSC script functions, to allow you to create GUI elements that reflect the state of scripted variables.

These new features were developed after a request from Axel Baesler, who has used them to make a fairly complex script based on ES’s Multilooper script. He’s also made a custom GUI to go with the script, and provided a sample Live set and even a FCB1010 foot-controller patch to use with it.
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