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Sonic Charge Bitspeek

Sonic Charge has launched Bitspeek, an effect plug-in that will make you sound like a robot.


Bitspeek is a real-time pitch-excited linear prediction codec effect. Linear prediction coding is a voice compression technology that appeared in commercial products in the seventies and was implemented in some well-known speaking toys of the early eighties.


Sonic Charge applied this technology to create a VST / AU effect plug-in that analyzes audio, extracts a number of parameters (including pitch, volume and formant data) and then resynthesizes the audio using a simple oscillator, noise and filter architecture.


A number of playback parameters that adjusts the pitch and tonal quality of the sound as well as support for MIDI and a beat-synchronized “formant freezing effect” have been added.


Pricing & Availability

It costs $29. It’s available for Windows and Mac OS X (Intel) in VST and AU effect plug-in formats.

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