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Too many devices? But why?

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Topic Too many devices? But why?
I found some other sound issue topics here, but none that quite matched my situation. Sorry if I missed it. Anyway, I'm using Reason 3.0 and after a certain amount of devices used, if I add another and try to use it no sound will come from it. For instance, I had a total of 13 devices going into one mixer, out of 14, but if I add another device, that device will not play sound. I have had this problem before and fixed it by adding a new mixer each time it happened (a total of 4 times my previous song), only problem is that its inconsistent. On my previous track sometimes I'd only have 4 devices on one mixer and the sound would stop with any new device, then sometimes it would go out on 8, etc. All I had to do though was add a new mastering suite and mixer and link the cords in the back. I'm using this same method on my newest creation, but adding another mastering suite and mixer isn't working. Still no sound from any new devices added. I don't have a midi keyboard, do everything by manually selecting each key. If anyone has any help whatsoever on this it would be greatly appreciated.