I have been creating my drum and bass tracks in reason and then creating a mix and then importing the mix into cubase where I record my audio files - guitar, vocals etc.
Then I thought I would try re-wire, where cubase is the master and the controls of both softwares are in perfect sync. What a fantastic difference in sound quality!
But... problems! I have a m-audio usb interface which was a pig to set up with cubase and while re-wire worked a few times floorlessly, it would sometimes take an hour to get them both running. Then I read that in the device setup, I should "release" the ASIO device in the background. Ok, I did this and now I can easily get them both started (I say easily, I have to play the cubase track to get reason loaded and suffer all that spluttering). Trouble is, when I view the reason window, the playback stops. It is OK as I can do my tweaks in reason and then open the cubase window to hear the effect, but this is not how it should be!
Any re-wire experts out there who can point me in the right direction?