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Blue Cat Maintenance Updates

Blue Cat Audio has released a new version of Blue Cat's Freeware Pack and Blue Cat's Analysis Pack, two bundles of Audio plug-ins for Mac and PC.

This is a maintenance release that fixes several issues and also improves the demo version of commercial plug-ins.

What’s new:
  • Fixes random crashes with “Multi” series user interfaces.
  • Demo versions improvement: demo popup window now only appears once per session, and only when opening the user interface.
  • Mac: fixes multiple screens issues with free plugins.
  • Win x64: fixes issues with several hosts not recognizing plug-ins or not showing the settings window properly.
  • Misc other bug fixes (more details available in the release logs for each plug-in).

For commercial plug-ins, the upgrade is free for registered users. An email will be sent to customers with the new download location.
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