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Prosoniq Gets Ready for Snow Leopard

Prosoniq has announced that all its products will be available as 64-bit versions for Apple's new 10.6 ("Snow Leopard") Mac OS X over the next few weeks.

A 64-bit version of Prosoniq’s OrangeVocoder AudioUnit plug-in has been included as an optional install in the most recent 3.3.2 update that is shipping as of today.

Since 64-bit support requires at least building against Mac OS X 10.5 (“Leopard”), Prosoniq has plans to discontinue the support of their products on Mac OS X 10.4 (“Tiger”) in 2010, making 10.5 the minimum system requirement for all of its products.

Prosoniq recommends their users should make the transition from 10.4 to 10.5 or 10.6 at their earliest convenience.

All 64-bit compatibility updates will be free for registered users.

Changes in OrangeVocoder v3.3.2:
  • Cleaned up code.
  • Modified dialog handling.
  • Changed keyboard input.
  • Removed AppleScript calls.
  • Added demo readme window.
  • Added platform info to “about” dialog.
  • Created 64-bit AU project.
  • Removed obsolete calls to NSDistributedNotificationCenter (external keyboard app).
  • Improved stability of Carbon wrapper.

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