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Saffire Mix Control routing question

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Topic Saffire Mix Control routing question
I am probably being really thick, but I cannot get the routing I am after from my Saffire Pro 14 and the mix control. I have set up buses in Cubase Artist (so no internal routing in the DAW) for the two stereo ins and the 2 stereo outputs, numbered logically 1 thru 4: so 1+2 are the number for the first stereo pairs, 3+4 for the second. I have set a track in Cubase to output to stereo 2, and the Cubase mix console meters show that the output is indeed going to the second Saffire stereo bus. The problem I have is that no matter what configuration I tried within the Saffire mix control I cannot ever hear the Saffire's second stereo input.

It's clearly a routing problem, but I am completely stuck. It was so much easier with a real patchbay :D:

Knackered oldie playing with Cubase, Reaper, guitars, keyboards and a MPC. Bass player since the end of the Little Ice Age, probably.

Isn't it always the way? Almost immediately after posting this query I managed to get the routing I desired, albeit in a slightly different way. The trick is not to route the second stereo out to the analogue outs, but rather to DAW 9 and DAW 10, then add those two to the mixer in the Saffire Mix control.

So thanks to those who have looked - issue solved.

Knackered oldie playing with Cubase, Reaper, guitars, keyboards and a MPC. Bass player since the end of the Little Ice Age, probably.