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My Behringer Xenyx 1002FX

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Topic My Behringer Xenyx 1002FX
Hello all,

Last year I purchased this mixer, the Behringer Xenyx 1002FX, and i've liked it and I'm not the greatest sound tech guy so I, half the time, don't know what I'm doing. Anyway I am just wondering, [h]whenever I record something (guitar, keys, vocals, etc) my input or whatever likes to peak on me[/h], and it seems I can't get my volumes up to a nice level when i record without it peaking(i record into my Behringer FCA202 firewire int. then into my comp). Yes I know that's life, I know that mixers and sound will distort at a certain level that is too loud, but I can't get it loud anyway. I'm just asking if anyone knows any techniques or tips to boost the signal that enters my comp without it peaking and distorting on me. Btw I don't change the EQs (because I don't know anything about the high, mid, and low thing with recording), does this factor with my problem

Thanks in advance
a compressor helps a lot when you need to control peaks, the important thing is not to over-use it.

it takes some practice to master it.

...and don't EVER trust presets! most of the time they are just so wrong.... its always better to know what you are doing.
golden recording rule: all faders at 0, the only knob you are going to touch is the gain. bypass eq if possible.

set your gain near 0db while trying out your instrument as loud as you can, then just keep an eye every now and then on your peaks while tracking.

if you have a compressor, use it as a soft limiter setting the threshold at -3db ad your ratio at 20:1
Thanks ra7or for your reply,
yeah i usually mix instruments according to my gain/trim being the main priority. I don't have a compressor at all! I only recently found out what they do (sort of), should I buy a compressor to help with my input signal? I'm on a tight budget so I am thinking about getting the Behringer mini compressor thats pretty cheap and has all the pre-settings for guitar and such so I don't have to worry to much about all the terms and tech stuff. Should I get one? Will it benefit my recordings?
