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Originals in the works - soliciting feedback on the mix (sound clips)

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Topic Originals in the works - soliciting feedback on the mix (sound clips)
Hello all,

The following songs are originals that my brother and I are writing / recording. The limited vocal material recorded was for test / reference purposes only. None of the vocal melodies/harmonies or lyrics have actually been written yet.

Both tunes are works in progress and are somewhat raw and unpolished. Please feel free to critique and dissect - all input is valued and welcomed.

Of particular interest to us are vocal and electric bass recording/tracking/mixing techniques (we're pretty green on much of this stuff).

Well, here they are....

This one is kind of a Beatles tribute:

This one is called In My Eyes:

Thanks all!
Wow! Great tracks! Pretty good rough mixes, too. So, you guys are sorta into the Beatles, eh? :lol:

Mixing is all preference. What sounds great to one person may not be great to another. But if you're interested in my opinion, here's what I hear:

- I always like an in-your-face snare and kick drum. Sounds like these parts of the kit are drowning in the room mics. Are you miking the snare and kick separately?

- The bass sounds really thin. If you're going for that McCartney vibe, you might wanna try beefing it up a bit. You can probably keep the recorded performance that you have and put the bass through like a BBE or some other sonic maximizer. It'll bring out the meat and potatoes.

- Are you gonna double the main guitar in "In Your Eyes"? Doubled and panned hard left and right will open up space for the vocals when you add them in.

My two cents. Can't wait to hear the final tracks! Sounds great guys! :)
Thanks for the feedback!

The bass is currently a MIDI instrument - that's why it sounds thin and lifeless. The bass will eventually be tracked properly.

The drums are a sample set via GigaStudio and will remain so. We don't have an adequate space to record a set well. Thanks for your comments here especially - we're still learning and the drum mix is still very much in the air.

Guitar may be done for 'In My Eyes' but nothing is set in stone. Processing thus far is all experimental. Doubling the guitar may well be worth trying. Thanks again.

I'll post more as the tracks progress.