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Zvex Ringtone
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Published on 12/10/09 at 16:37
See previous articles.
Accuracy anyway.
A ring modulator works like this: it usually generates a reference signal (adjustable) frequency F1.
You bring in a signal of frequency F2 with your instrument.
The ring modulator you out 2 signals, the first F1-F2 = the second = F1 + F2.
The resulting sound is totally distorted, very rich in harmonics, like a metal percussion.
Very very weird ...
For the curious http://support.ircam.fr/forum-ol-doc/nmi/1.45/doc-modules/co/ringmod.html

Knowing that in the Zvex, there are 8 adjustable frequencies F1 and sequenced (in normal or random), you imagine the mess!


It's very special material.
If you are looking for a classic effect, go your way.

If you like the sound hack, you'll love.
It's like the Electro-Harmonix, it just go away into madness sound, but still a cut above ...
That's cool!


Very good quality.
I used it (see below) mainly in a context of free improvisation.
It can really get out incredible sounds.


I had purchased in Canada and I have used it for almost 2 years.

I am made ​​to fly the last week in Paris (with almost all my stuff ...).
She had the serial number X186.

If you come across someone who sells a used or if you see one in a thrift shop like Cash Converter, thank you for contacting me (fred.maurin @ free.fr).
This kind of pedal that does not run the streets, and when you buy one, considering the price, it's usually not for resale later.
Last note, the price in France is frankly far too high. Approximately $ 380 to U.S. or 250 € (the price of a pedal boutique normal) whereas in France it sold € 380! Importers must think we think that $ 1 = € 1 ... Or they are traveling on the Concorde Zvex pedals ...