Akai Professional CD3000i - IPM's review
translated32 channels Indeed card (optional) OK converter 44.1 kHz Converters: mainly use with discs of samples, but ES: disable input analog available unlike other series of CD3OOO Eight separate…
Akai Professional S5000 - IPM's review
translatedexpress opinions Polyphony: mine (I 2) 128 chacuns voice ... EB-20 effects: 4 bus, 2 MOD-series EQ and 2 bus dedicated to reverb Connections: at the top, TOP noon, converters (I am not sa…
Akai Professional S3200 - "very one good machine"
translated32 polyphonic effects: reverb and delay other modulations (which are not bad despite criticism elsewhere) twelve o'clock 8out analog analog 1 E, 1E / O XLR, 1 / O Digital AES / optical SMPT…
Akai Professional S20 - "back to the future, very good sampler"
translatedconnectiquee rca, has changed its 16-bit 8-bit or 4-bit in / out noon no usb but it will be ...... it is a model of the 90's 16 samples Assignable has EVERY pad Memory: very little origina…
Akai Professional S2000 - " Still good stuff"
translatedPolyphony: 32 voices Stereo digital sampler 16 bit 44.1 khz noon or 22.05 kHz Internal Memory: 32MB has extended to € 1.50 (this type of RAM does nothing neck) 3.5-inch floppy disk and magn…
Akai Professional S5000 - " Vintage beauty and ease of use"
translated64 original or 128 voice polyphony with an expansion card, No effects without the card EB20, Very good converters: - A / D 18-bit 64x oversampling Delta Sigma. - N / A 20-bit 128x oversamplin…
Akai Professional S5000 - " Screen friendly"
translatedPolyphony expandable to 64 128 - Adverse optional - 8MB Memory expandable to 256MB - Edition on Mac / PC. UTILIZATION For configuration, there are many optional things as always with Akai. The …
Akai Professional Z-4 - " Good Harware - lack of outputs as standard."
translated64 polyphony. Efffets optional. From 16 to 24 bits and 44.1 to 96 Khz. Converter neutral to the S5000 I had before. 16 MB of standard memory up to 512 MB 2 Jack inputs, 2 outputs Jack Midi, USB. SCSI…
Akai Professional REMIX 16 - ellaguru's review
translatedAudio MIDI connectivity standard Good converters 30sec of memory (2mb) expandeable. there is a utility other samplers akai edition (Series s) used by this machine a sequencer track (see Yamah…
Akai Professional S2000 - Emrick's review
translatedWith 32 voice polyphony and 2 megabytes of RAM, the S2000 is an entry-level sampler very interresting. Of course, it is advisable to add extra RAM (up to 32 MB) if you only serve to reproduce very …
Akai Professional S1000 - Antox's review
translated4mb, noon, separate outputs UTILIZATION Manual in french, some complicated SOUNDS Good converters OVERALL OPINION Uses 2 years, very good choice for a hardware sampler
Akai Professional S900 - Anonyme's review
translated8 Original Release, trs trs strong and handsome plutt the S900 is not it? there is an option suplmentaire 8 outputs (incredible is not it?) oh yeah that adj used this version modified by Tom Obe…
Akai Professional S2000 - Sel-f's review
translatedWithout expansion, it receives only one stereo output and no effect. The effect is rather expensive card, an external effects may be preferable. Level memory, it is essential to context an external H…
Akai Professional Z-4 - lorenzzzzzzzo's review
translatedSampler 64 channel 24 bit / 2 in 2 out (expandable 8 outs) / 2 MIDI ins midi out 2 16 MB of RAM expandable to 512 SDram Scsi port 1 / 1 internal IDE / 1 USB to PC / Mac / 1USB keyboard to mouse …
Akai Professional S950 - Dj mac's review
translatedGlobal Opinion cf UTILIZATION Global Opinion cf SOUNDS Global Opinion cf OVERALL OPINION An inimitable sound a particular filter very well suited for hip hop (very good for loops) Rhythmi…