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Roland MC-808
Roland MC-808

Sampling Sequencer from Roland belonging to the MC series

BellesOndes BellesOndes

«  An excellent machine that suffers from its name »

Published on 09/26/11 at 01:34
16 channels / Sequencer multistep 3 Recording Modes / Sample-based synthesis or a Roland synth made in multilayer powerful.

Connection Midi / Audio / USB / CF (bridge Midi possible)

Motorized faders, Pads, rotocoder "classic" Roland, Section effects, optical remote controller, etc ...

Specifications are detailed on the website of Roland. It is a complete machine, mixing in a form factor of a sampler groovebox multilayers, a powerful synthesizer, a sequencer and powerful aid to live performance (Chord bank, arpeggiator, one button call pattern, etc. ...).

There's no denying it, there are many functions. E is not around in 10 minutes.


Side "I can do anything" makes configuration pretty winded. The functions accessible with the machine itself is very limited, the user can change a few synth patch paramètrse as the filter, or LFOs rates.

the essential functions of composition are available live, but the advanced user will always use the supplied software, heureseuement comprehensive, patches and to refine his songs.

Auto faders are a very good initiative, they can easily change a patch or a beat live without losing other settings. This is a great addition that makes the machine very comfortable to use when we had the bar winded millions of features.

this machine can not do without a PC for advanced editing, but provides all the functions to lay a pipe in 30 seconds.


The sounds are very good. Basic presets are basic, but with a little tweaking and synthesis of knowledge can be drawn from large sound system lutitimbre classic Roland. When the sampler, with the addition of some RAM, it very well decrease its function.

effects are correct, and are used easily.


I use it for almost 4 years now and I am fully satisfied.

Its bad credit / reputation is mainly due to purists who thought buying a groovebox 1990 under the term, and felt prisoners. This is not a groovebox primary meaning of the term, but a studio work including sound sampler, synth and sequencer with other systems seen in the live well.

It's a Swiss Army knife of impressive live setting allows the well to make any beat with ease. on the other hand, are accessible from the front that controls that can be reasonably fit to live in a benefit. The rest of the setup is done with a PC. This phase can be quite tedious but ultimately, we can not really blame him for doing his job poorly.

Instead, the controls available on the machine are a synthesis of all she can do. those who do not find their happiness were wrong machine: it does everything, but does not allow the same freedom in facade on a more specific device. to dig, push in the software menus.

You just have to have that in mind to get a view of the beast.

This choice I would do without hesitation, although I admit having to use a master keyboard in order to fully enjoy the features of the beast.