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Gibson SG Special Faded
Gibson SG Special Faded

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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Guitar Angel Guitar Angel
Published on 03/01/09 at 08:53
See the reviews below.
J'apprcie particulirement the fact that it made the United States (like most Gibson) and not in Asia.
The only small default: because it is not painted, it spoils easily and must be careful.


Premire thing you notice when you take it: it is trslgre and the wood is soft!
The handle: always round (like those of other gibson) trs enjoyable to walk on it!
Access in acute SG requires ..... Easy.
Weight: I test standing and sitting: nickel lol


I play Rock / Hard Rock / Pop Rock and a bit of Blues.
Mode we obtain a saturated fat, and then its good ...... lol saturated. In short you can always emulate Angus Young very easy!
In clean, it was a warm and enveloping! Although bluzzy!

To rock, and some hacks rglages n saturated and it's perfect!!


Prfre me what it is comfort and sound.
I use it for two months.
I have not tried to normment MODELS (3 Gibson Les Paul, SG 4, Fender Start 2) before buying.
I think she's worth 800! And if c'tait again, I do it again!

Now if you see a bargain price (not too expensive) I suggest you try it at least! APRS now the nothing can save your wallet MDR!