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Gibson SG Special Faded
Gibson SG Special Faded

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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elpedro elpedro
Published on 09/19/08 at 16:10
Gibson SG Special Faded, manufacturing States, mine was purchased in Texas t in 2007.
Configuration as much of the SG is to say 22 boxes, 2 hambuckers that send the ball, bridge type Gibson tune-o-matic.
Worn cherry finish.
Handle relatively thick and large, there has been less wide sleeves Gibson, the handle is a highway (to hell). It is also flexible drlement, I'll come back just APRS.


Here we catch a guitar. Not only is it not CHRE, but I think a lot easier to play a standard, and the pickups are absolutely dcoiffants. The handle, and I said above is a highway broad and easy. It is also flexible particulirement, no need to install a Bigsby, shaking the guitar and the effect is the same, and I n'exagre absolutely not.
The finish is worn cherry trs class, the guitar is red mat, without varnish, which gives it a vintage look dlicieux, I think it's prettier than the red ptants.
The mcaniques are correct, but trs sensitive, and it does not abuse the vibrato by shaking the handle under penalty of being quickly dsaccord.
The guitar is lgre, it changes us instruments loggers type LP ... It is very well balance.
However, the attachment of neck strap ct is not practical, as long as there ale just use a strap, the dcrochage is almost inviting. Opt for these widgets that hold the straps.
The sound is absolutely stunning. It's Plug and Play. It covers a large number of registers, from blues to mtal (even if I did not know too mtal)
I put 9 because of the attachment strap.
Small BMOL also bluesman trick: when large bends, the high E string can get stuck in the microphones that this MODEL do not have covers. Be careful with the Buddy Guy bends.


I play a large majority of the blues, plutt East Chicago, and this guitar, I bought big fan of ACDC keeps its promises.
Clearly, the microphone is acute prcis trs, and playing to the bridge, we will be able to find some slamming done everything shiny. Intermdiaire Position: trs well for a little fat rhythm, or blues chorus. In sleeve: IDAL bluesy solo for a warm and soft, but who is not too much, which does not bleed, and finally remains soft ear trs.
Saturated in either the amp (blues junior) or thanks to pedals (blues driver, super overdrive), we get something quite indescribable. The sound is dry, prcis, hot, it's trs roots, it hangs. I compltement fan, I have never heard such a sound to other guitars of the same type. It particular, it has a scratch tural signature sound. She will love the rhythmic muscle as well as the finest chorus.


$ 575 for the era, I must say that I made the best deal of all my guitars (8 in all). A Gibson with sound, finish and class for the price of a copy ple.
I would do a select, since the other night I rv I had broken, and I had purchased a direct APRS.
I use it for Submitted 9 months, and this is my main guitar for the game in training, and even home. I tried other models, including standard, which are trs good, but scratch a Full size, except the price. (650 800 in France by store, against almost double for a standard SG MODEL)