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Gibson SG Special Faded
Gibson SG Special Faded

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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Bearnings Bearnings
Published on 02/02/08 at 12:57
Made in the USA
22frettes, humbuckers without cover (490T in the bridge, 490R in the neck)
Fixed bridge in two parts (tune-o-matic tailpiece +)
a volume knob and one tone by micro switch 3WAY
Mahogany neck with rosewood fingerboard markers with just "point" white.
Mahogany body (available in red or brown, natural finish), very fine polish, black plate, guitar sober.


It took me a while to get used to the handle big enough, the hour of cramps behind me when I paid an American Stratocaster, I struggled to play a round as thin and with so little taken ... So he surprised by its size but you get used to playing regularly and developing a suitable technique!
Access to acute perfect, you can go up to the last fret without concern (the advantage of facing the SG Les Paul ...)
The weight really is not excessive, the form is terrible (always remember Angus Young ...;))
The sound ... It just comes! Really good pickups fitted as original equipment!


The advantage of typing in the "low end" home Gibson is at the cost of a good Epiphone was really good microphones, while in Epiphone, we look great, but ultimately not very good microphones and electronics not always on top ...
At least with Gibson, I am alone! I changed pickups twice: first a Gibson 500T, but it did not suit me, I preferred to replace the original microphone that really filled me with its relatively low output level for a humbucker and balance frequencies ... I finally decided to pay me a Classic 57 in bridge, and it sounds a hell harmonics with a shovel and perfect balance of frequencies! As soon as I would have the means, I'll put in a second bridge! When the neck pickup, do not go too much because it has a fairly consistent output level which is not always pleasant to give nuances crunch ...
I play everything, with different sounds (clean, crunch, crunch boosted, lead) and it provides in all areas! I play reggae, ska, funk, blues, british rock, punk and sometimes a bit of hardcore / metal, and can do everything! Then the sober look in fact quite a scraper mat! I play on an Orange Rocker 30C with two wah (Dunlop and Vox) and a Radial Tonebone Hot British, and it sounds A LOT!
This gives a very full sound, I do not like the bumps in the media microphones as Seymour Duncan SH4, so I'm happy to have a micro balance! In terms of parasites, it is nothing compared to other guitars home I could try! Microphones terrible!
I love all the sounds of this guitar!


I bought used for 550 €, two years ago it was not brand new, but I gave him back a shot of youth (the opening round, flycase SKB, change in micro short ,...) I have pampered!
I love the look, the finish (very simple!), The sound, in short, everything! In terms of comfort, it comes with practice, not easy at first so the handle is thick!
It was the first Gibson I was testing, purchased without the plug, I was not disappointed (I've been a Epiphone Les Paul 100 SG at this anyway ... What leap!)
The price / quality ratio is really great, used it even better!

With experience, of course I do it again this election! In fact, I'm in my plans to pay a second (or the same color, either red, I do not know yet) to mount a different config micro (EMG P90 or two ...) but I 'have time to come and see!

I love the guitar now!