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Gibson SG Special Faded
Gibson SG Special Faded

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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belinfirmier77 belinfirmier77
Published on 12/06/06 at 16:53
United States manufacturing
Mahogany body + !!!!!
22 frets
Gibson 490R and 490T Micro
Tune-o-matic + stopbar
3 position selector, 4 knobs .... normal ...

The varnish is very thin, leaving the wood to breathe, giving p'tit cot "old shovel"
most enjoyable!

She is beautiful!! THAT'S ALL !!!!!


The handle is a real treat, even for fenders!
Access to acute perfect (SG requires .....)
Sometimes I even try the 23rd box ... ;-)

It is light, stings a little nose, but frankly, you get used to very quickly


So I take home with me ....
I look a little (and shed a tear of happiness)
J approach my marshall JCM 800 ....
verified that the neighbors are missing, or if any, they prepare to die very quickly ....
I am the branch ....

And l. .....................

......... Pooooouuuuuuuwwwwwaaaaaaaaa !!!!!

It sounds severely gibson! and those who say that the faded, it is a "sub-gibson" (and I've seen written ....), bah I say he probably knows to use it po!! !!!!!!

In saturated fat and the sound is heavy but relatively clean tjs
Clearly, it's worth FENDER not for sure, but it stands up very well ....
There's the sustain !!!!!!!!! (Requires mahogany)

I'm bleeding fingers pdt qq hours

I believe that even a penguin could make out the sounds of the enormous shovel!!

Much cheaper than the standard or the classic, the quality is really good

Go ahead guys it's all good !!!!!!

I put 11 because I could 10/10 in. ;-)


No more blah, it's very heavy, it sends STRID wood.

If you hesitate .... bah .... hsitez and buy more, you will not deus !!!!!!