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Gibson SG Custom Showcase Edition (1988)
Gibson SG Custom Showcase Edition (1988)
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mc_nip mc_nip
Published on 12/17/06 at 02:57
Made in the USA and estampilée "Made in USA" on the back of the head of the handle
- Mahogany body like most gibsons
- Mahogany neck and ebony fingerboard (although I do in my little distincion gibsons rosewood and the latter in ebony)
- Head + neck binding multi-ply white
- Ferrari Red finish
- Grover black
- Top hat knobs vintage black and silver on top
- Small multi-ply black pickguard white
- Hardware (stop bar, Tailpiece) black
3 EMG 60 active!
- Selector 3 points gibson
- Channel 60's ended with slim type


- Handle very pleasant to the touch, very precise adjustment with such a low action
no frieze!
- Access to acute: The sg are made for that!
- Ideal weight - medium range gibson ds so comfortable
- Does not sting the ned: very well balanced
(If the handle was rounded or 50's it would certainly have plunged)

EMG 60 pickups with 3, regardless of the selection switch, the quality of these microphones
provide a versatile rendering regardless of the style played

I am the personal Pop / Rock ds my group and I personal play Bluesy / Rock / Funk brief eclectic, and with a great amp like my head Dg130ha Yamaha, it captures everything that comes with these great guitar pickups! !


Bluesy in, I get exactly the sound of my vintage lp custom 73
By Funke, same as if I had a Fender 70's
In Rock, the sg are unbeatable see AC / DC etc. ...

Clearly, c Lynard Skynard!

I play on a Yamaha DG130ha head and box 4 * 10 "Hugh & Kettner
this group has nothing to prove

I rejoiced every time I play!


I use this scratching but recently joined with my my little brillo sheptel
- Lp Custom Black Beauty 1973
- Flying V of 1981 with two natural Zebras T-Buckers (rare enough to be reported)
- SG Tony Iommi in 2003

While the sound of these guitars is different, the sound of the EMG 60
sg showcase is amazing and by far the most versatile guitar.

- Sounds hard, rock, funk, in short, anything goes and sounds crazy but you must have a good amp ;-)