Softube releases British Class A for Console 1
Hot newsFirst introduced at MusikMesse 2016, Softube's British Class A for Console 1 is now available.
Get Console 1 For $649
NewsSpecial priceUntil the end of May, Softube offers a special worldwide sale on its hardware/software mixer Console 1.
[MUSIKMESSE] Softube British Class A for Console 1
Hot newsMusikmesseAt the Musikmesse, Softube demonstrate its Console 1 models of classic 1960s & 1970s Neve gear.
Softube announces special sale on Console 1
NewsSpecial priceAfter eighteen months on the market, Softube has decided to do a price promotion on Console 1.
The Softube Console 1 updated
NewsSoftube announces the availability of a new version of their Console 1 software, which includes a new EQ analyzer.
The Softube Console 1 compatible with Windows
Hot newsMany of us had praised for it since its release last year, the Softube Console 1 is finally available for Windows users.
[Musikmesse][VIDEO] Softube Console 1
Hot newsMusikmesseRoused by their natural geek curiosity, our team went to Softube's booth at Musikmesse to discover the Console 1.
[Musikmesse] Softube introduces the Console 1
Hot newsMusikmesseSoftube will introduce in a few minutes at Musikmesse the new Console 1 audio mixing solution which combines hardware and software.